HP LTO 4 - Advantages Of Tape Storage Technology

Getting a system of storing data that is cost effective and energy efficient can be a tricky affair. However, with advancements in technology, there are solutions available that will give you exactly what you are looking for. HP LTO 4 is a tape technology that will enable you to store large amounts of data at an affordable rate. Your data will be safe and the technology is quite simple to use.
LTO Technology
Linear Tape Open is a storage technology that comes in open format. Open format products are compatible with each other even though they come from different companies. LTO technology was developed by the International Business Machines (IBM), Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Quantum, and they are also responsible for the ongoing advancement of the technology.
Benefits Of Tape Technology
Hard disks normally offer accessibility to data that is immediate and fast, but this storage method is expensive per megabyte of storage. Due to the high cost, disk storage is more suitable for online operations than for backup storage.
Optical storage methods which include the DVD and CD drives will give you a capacity that is moderate and access to the information is quite simple. However, this method is also quite expensive if you need daily backup for large amounts of data or if you need to archive data. The low capacity of the DVD and CD drives may not give you a solution if you need to regularly back up large volumes of data.
The tape technology is suitable for archiving in the medium term, which is about 10 - 15 years' worth of data. A large amount of data can be stored on one unit of media, therefore data recovery is simplified. The media is removable, which means the data is stored offline and is therefore safe from system errors, human error and viruses. This media is also small and easily transportable, so you can conveniently store your data offline to keep it safe from disasters like fire.
HP LTO 4 is the fourth generation of LTO technology that was introduced into the market in the year 2007. The storage capacity of uncompressed data is 800 GB, while the storage capacity of compressed data is 1.6 terabytes (TB). The rate of transfer when writing uncompressed data is 120 MB/s, while the rate of transfer when writing compressed data is 240 MB/s.
HP LTO 4 has a data encryption feature that enables you to protect your sensitive data in a simple way that is compliant, cost-effective and secure. The HP LTO 4 drives can read and write LTO 3 cartridges and can also read LTO 2 cartridges. They are also compatible with most of the well-known servers, backup software and operating systems.
HP LTO 4 has a read-while-write feature that is used to verify the data in real time. The codes for error correction are very powerful, so that in the event that you lose a full track of data, you will be able to recover it.
Using the HP LTO 4 products gives you the assurance that the integrity of your data will be upheld. Please visit http://www.stutchdata.com.au/hp-lto-4-ultrium-4-tape-c7974a-lto-hp4.html to get more details on how to access the products.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9226142