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If you have ever created content and stored it in a DVD, you appreciate the need for protection. Take for instance you have stored your company's accounts for posterity on this media. This data is sensitive and if it falls in the wrong hands, your business can be devastated.
The Strategic Research Institute (SRI) says over 78% of companies that suffer data loss are unable to resume operations, highlighting the risks out there. This is where copy protection comes in during the DVD duplication process.
Demystifying Copy Protection
Whatever you need to store any reliable duplication company will recommend Digital Rights Management (DRM) as part of the process. This software is used to secure your information from falling into the wrong hands by locking it.
Some of the common techniques used in the industry to ensure security of information in duplication include:
Content Alteration
This is the most recent technique and it works to disable ripping and copying of crucial information you have saved on a DVD. It is considered the most effective method because it does not impact on the original content in the process of disabling copying. It thus maintains the highest level of playback compatibility without the need for special hardware or software on your end.
Region Code Disc protection
If you are in the music business for instance, you want your master copy locked to avoid leaks that will affect eventual sales. The most common type of software pegs are region-code based locking. In this process, your duplication expert will use a country's code to ensure the disc will not play anywhere else.
The software, for example, ensures that a region 1 disc will not play on a unit purchased in country 6. Nevertheless, there are still machines out there that play all discs despite this region locking thus calling for a more sophisticated option to secure your data.
If you are using an established duplication company, enhanced region copy safeguard can be provided. This makes it impossible to play a disc that has already been played in another area code.
CSS Encryption
To enhance information safety, you can also opt for disc encryption which makes it impossible to play this form of media without a valid key. You will have the valid key as the information owner to use only when you need this content. Encryption means when an invalid key is used, your material is scrambled making your data entirely safe.
Well, there are many other techniques including Copy Generation Management System, online production activation, AACS encryption and Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPRM), among others.
Whatever form of content you want to store there is no denying the importance of securing it. The commercial value far outweighs the cost of software used. Your business is at risk especially with the internet becoming a key driver of piracy. Now is the time to talk to a credible DVD duplication company about securing your business.
VCM Interactive is considered a leading facility for business-to-business DVD, CD, USB duplication and replication services in Mississauga, Toronto. Whether your requirement is 25 or 25,000 we are your ultimate supplier for DVD, CD and Blu-ray duplication services. Request FREE Quote.
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