Investing In HP LTO 6 Tape Is Investing In The Future

The great potential of tape technology is seen in the advancements that have led to the LTO-6 tape, as well as the advancements expected in future versions. Indeed, the continuous capacity increases in previous tape versions have led to such high capacities as 2.5 TB on LTO-6 cartridges. In other words, this is a storage device that has the capacity of storing well over 300 Blu-ray quality movies.
However, such massive capacity wouldn't be of much help if the devices had low data rates. In this regard, the LTO cartridges have proven very useful due to high data rates that can be as much as 360 MB/sec. This is an incredibly useful aspect that greatly enhances the utility of a cartridge.
You might also realize that there is always a certain level of volatility in the technological world due to the short shelf-life of so many devices. Any new and incredibly useful device or technology could easily turn obsolete after sudden, major technological advancements. However, the continuous technological innovation in tape storage, based on a clearly defined roadmap, ensures that this form of storage would have great immunity to such drastic technological upheavals.
From all visible signs, it's quite clear that future technological demands would involve incredibly high data capacities, coupled with even faster speeds. This is why the future LTO-10 cartridge is expected to have more than 40 times the capacity of current LTO-6 cartridges. You would have the ability to store 14,400+ Blu-ray movies in just a single unit.
Tape isn't Old Technology, It's Continually Advancing
As more and more technological advancements continue to arise with each passing day, you are likely to encounter many devices and systems that become completely obsolete. In certain instances, these devices become useless simply because better and more efficient alternatives come up. At other times, it may just be that not enough innovation was applied on an otherwise useful device, making it incompatible with new systems.
Fortunately, tape technology - such as the HP LTO 6 - has managed to weather many storms due to the evolution of technology. Based on constant innovation and application of better design and construction, the tape technology at this time is just as useful - maybe even more useful - as it was during its inception.
In fact, a 2014 report by the Tape Storage Council clearly indicates the significant role that tape technology plays, not only in backup services, but also entertainment, surveillance, Big Data and compliance. Any business that intends to invest on technology that has the capacity to last for a long time should definitely consider the value of tape technology. It's true that there are many promising new technologies, but tape is probably one of the few that has a proven track record, having stood the test of time and yet still possessing great potential for serving future technological needs.
How Easy Is It To Handle The Stored Data?
Finally, when considering the most reliable storage device, you must also consider the existing capacity to efficiently and effectively manipulate the data stored in it. You might assume that disk storage would offer greater functionality; however, the reality is that tape does have an even more enhanced system, based on the LTFS.
Stutch Data is your reliable partner when seeking the most appropriate data storage options for your organization. If you want more information about HP LTO 6 just take a visit in our webpage.

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