IT Trends - The 5 That Will Stand Out in 2016

Now that 2015 is coming to an end and the new year is right around the corner, we want to use this post to spotlight five of the IT trends that Gartner Inc has identified as being the most influential during the upcoming year:
1. The Device Mesh Will Accelerate the Internet of Things
The device mesh refers to the ability of mobile devices, wearables and sensors to talk to one another. While usage of mobile devices is already huge, both wearables and sensors are seeing very rapid adoption across a wide range of spaces. Having all of this interconnection at both a consumer and business level will accelerate the spread of the Internet of Things.
2. The of Ambient User Experiences Will Increase
Given the acceleration of both the device mesh and the Internet of Things, it's not surprising that ambient user experiences will increase. This term refers to experiences that happen across multiple devices or touchpoints. While mobile apps will remain the primary way consumers experience the Internet when they're on the go, companies are starting to push the boundaries by expanding apps to take in other sources of data and provider even richer experiences.
3. Even More Types of Information Will Flow Online
The fact that so many devices and types of inputs are being connected will lead to even more types of information flowing online. Currently, online content is thought of in terms of text, audio or video. All those forms of content are expected to grow in the next year. But there will also be new types of contextual and sensory information that begins to flow online as a result of all the new inputs that are connected to the Internet.
4. Machine Learning Will Continue to Advance
Although the types of machine learning used by top tech companies are already very advanced, this is a space that will continue to progress even further in 2016. Advanced forms of machine learning will help companies use and make sense of the huge amounts of data they're currently collecting.
5. Security Architecture and Demands Will Expand
As a result of several very high-profile and widespread data breaches, 2015 was a year that put the importance of security on the radar of businesses of all sizes. Seeing firsthand just how devastating a major breach can be has led to security being a top priority for 2016. In addition to ensuring that all their bases are covered, companies are looking to IT providers for even more advanced types of security architecture.
This article first appeared at SkynetInnovations.